Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Name of the Game!
You can work out at either club.
Weigh-ins are every Wednesday all day before 9pm.
You may weigh in at either Summit location.
One (1) participation point is awarded for checking into the club.
One (1) additional point is awarded for attending a group fitness class.
(remember to have your log signed)
A maximum of 10 points can be earned each week
(Wednesday to Tuesday) by each participant.
Each weigh-in is worth one point in addition to the maximum of
10 points from weekly check-ins and class attendance.       
Recipes must be turned in each Wednesday during the competition.
The recipes are judged based on their nutritional value and
Each week 4 recipes will be awarded points 4 going to the 1st,
3pts to the 2nd, 2pts to the 3rd, and 1pt to the 4th.

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